Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Little discovered South West of Tanzania : The Mbeya and Lake Nyasa Region


It is a long journey to reach the wider Mbeya region of Tanzania, despite one of the main roads crossing the African continent North South passes through Mbeya, from Dar es Salaam, leading further into Zambia. An enjoyable alternative to reach the region form Dar es Salaam is by the TAZARA railway, built by the Chinese in the 1980th, probably one of the youngest railway lines in the world (

Lake Nyasa

On Lake Nyassa (former Lake Malawi), 130km from Mbeya, Matema Lake Shore Resort, run by the Evangelistic Church (Tel. 025 250 41 78; e-mail: mec@maf.or.tz; there are rooms and a campsite available) has a reputation of being one of the most beautiful places in Tanzani. Lake Nyassa is 580km long, 700m deep and lying right in the African Rift Valley system. The resort is on the foot of the Livingstone Mountain Range, which tops up to 3000m above sea level and make for a great hiking area. About five kilometres from the Mission the famous red and cream coloured pottery of the Wakisi tribe people is made.

Mufindi Highland Lodge

(Tel. 022 286 23 57; Tel. Mobile 0784 23 74 22; e-mail. fox@safaricamps.info; www.tanzaniassafaris.info ; Residents about 65US$ per person and night; Horserides 5US$ per ride)

The lodge, run by Foxes senior, is certainly one of the pearls in the foxes emporium! Located on a hill ridge, with great views over a lake and rolling hills, ample (and very reasonnalby priced) opportunity to go for horserising, great food and always a fire running in the fire place to break the chill of the evening, this is a very un-African place to stay, but great to chill out, and listen to the owners stories of the early times of tourims devleopment in Tanznia! Access leads through extensive tea plantations. Warmly recommended!

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